Depto. de Ciencias de la Vida
Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA)
Vidal V, Pretel MR, Capurro L, Tassone LM, Moyano MD, Malacari RG, Brusco LI, Ballarini FM, Forcato C (2024) Short Naps Improve Subsequent Learning in a High School Setting Research Square Preprints. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-5485881/v1
Bonilla M, Flores-Kanter PE, Vidal V, Jimenez Z, Leon CS, Urreta Benitez FA, Luis I Brusco, Vázquez Chenlo LA, Corfdir Y, García Bauza C & Forcato C. (2024) Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recognition and testimony memory: Differential effects in young and older adults. SSRN Preprints. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4206859
Urreta Benítez FA, Leon CS, Bonilla M, Garrido M & Forcato C (2024) Psychology of memory applied to a real case of wrongful conviction PsyArXiv Preprints DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/aq35x
Gallo FT, Herrero NL, Tommasel A, Godoy D, Spiousas I, Gasca-Rolin M, Ramele R, Gleiser PM & Forcato C (2024). Differences in emotional content, dream awareness, and dream control between lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences: Report analyses. Dreaming. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/drm0000283
Pretel M, Vidal V, Kienigiel D, Forcato C* & Ramele R* (2024) A low-cost and open-hardware portable 3-electrode sleep monitoring device. HardwareX 6:19:e00553. DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2024.e00553 (*Contributed equally).
Carbone J, Bibian C, Born J, Forcato C & Diekelmann S. (2024). Comparing Targeted Memory Reactivation during slow wave sleep and sleep stage 2. Scientific Reports, 14(1): 9057. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-59696-y.
Leon CS, Lo Celso AL, Urreta Benítez FA, Bonilla M, Olivar N, Toledo J, Brusco LI & Forcato C. (2024) Differential effects of clonazepam on declarative memory formation and face recognition. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 213:107956. DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2024.107956.
Gallo FT, Spiousas I, Herrero NL, Godoy D, Tommasel A, Gasca-Rolín M, Ramele R, Gleiser PM & Forcato C. (2023). Structural differences between non-lucid, lucid and out-of-body experience reports assessed by graph analysis. Scientific Reports.13:19579 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-46817-2
Tassone LM, Moyano M, Laiño F, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C. (2023) One-week sleep hygiene treatment education improves episodic memory in young but not in older adults during social isolation. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 14, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1155776
Leon CS, Bonilla M, Brusco LI, Forcato C & Urreta Benítez FA. (2023) Fake news and memory formation in the psychology debate. IBRO Neuroscience Reports. 15: 24-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibneur.2023.06.002.
Gallo FT, Herrero NL, Tommasel A, Godoy D, Spiousas I, Gasca-Rolín M, Ramele R, Gleiser PM & Forcato C. (2023). Lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences reports: Differences in emotional content, dream awareness and dream control. PsyArXiv. DOI:10.31234/osf.io/qf4z7.
Herrero NL, Gallo FT, Gasca-Rolín M, Gleiser PM, & Forcato C. (2022). Spontaneous and induced Out-of-Body Experiences during Sleep Paralysis: Emotions, "Aura" recognition, and Clinical Implications. Journal of Sleep Research. e13703. DOI: 10.1111/jsr.13703.
Moyano MD, Carbonari, Bonilla M, Pedreira ME, Brusco I, Kaczer L & Forcato. (2022) Non-linear susceptibility to interferences in declarative memory formation. PLoS ONE. 17(6): e0270678.
DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0270678.
Vidal V, Barbuzza A, Tassone L, Brusco I, Ballarini F & Forcato C. (2022). Odor cueing during sleep improves consolidation of a history lesson in a school setting. Scientific Reports. 12:10350.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-14588-x.
Leon CS, Matías M, Urreta Benítez FA, Brusco LI, Wang J & Forcato C. (2022). Impairment of aversive episodic memories during Covid-19 pandemic: The impact of emotional context on memory processes. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory. 187:107575.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2021.107575.
Urreta Benítez FA, Leon CS, Bonilla M, Flores-Kanter PE & Forcato C (2021). Identification performance during quarentine by Covid-19 pandemic: Influence of emotional variables and sleep quality. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 691583.
Laurino J, Forcato C, Coaker N, Pedreira ME & Kaczer L (2021). Learning new words: memory reactivation as a mechanism for strengthening and updating a novel word´s meaning. Memory & Cognition.
DOI: 10.3758/s13421-021-01247-1
Carbone J, Bibian C, Reischl P, Born J, Forcato C, Diekelmann S (2021). The effect of Zolpidem on targeted memory reactivation during sleep. Learning & Memory. 28(9):307-318.
DOI: 10.1101/lm.052787.120.
Wang J, Chen B, Sha M, Gu Y, Wu H, Forcato C & Qin S (2021) Positive and Neutral Updating Reconsolidate Aversive Episodic Memories via Different Routes. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107500.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2021.107500.
Flores-Kanter PE, Toro R, & Alvarado JM. (2021). Internal Structure of Beck Hopelessness Scale: An Analysis of Method Effects Using the CT-C(M–1) Model. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1–9. DOI:10.1080/00223891.2021.1942021.
Forcato C, Klinzing JG, Carbone J, Radloff M, Weber FD, Born J, Diekelmann S (2020) Reactivation during sleep with incomplete reminder cues rather than complete ones stabilizes long-term memory in humans. Communications Biology 3(1):733. Doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-01457-4.
Bonilla M, Jorge C, Moyano M & Forcato C (2020). Modificación de memorias maladaptativas durante el sueño y la vigilia: una visión interdisciplinaria. Revista de Psicología. Doi: 10.24215/2422572Xe073.
Tassone L, Urreta Benítez FA, Rochón D, Martínez P, Bonilla M. Leon C, Muchnik C, Solis P, Medel N, Brusco LI, Kochen S, Moyano MD & Forcato C (2020). Improvement of Declarative Memory in Young and Older Adults through the reconsolidation process. PLOS one 15(8):e0237361.
Campos-Arteaga G., Forcato C., Wainstein G., Lagos-Chávez R., Palacios-García I., Artigas C., Pedreira M.E., Rodríguez, E. Differential neurophysiological correlates of retrieval of consolidated and reconsolidated memories in humans: an ERP and pupillometry study (2020). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 174:107279.
Moyano M, Diekelmann S, Pedreira ME, Born J & Forcato C (2019). Sleep accelerates the re-stabilization of a human labilized declarative memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 162:1-8.
Bavassi L, Forcato C, De Pino G, Fernández RS, Pedreira ME & Villarreal MF (2019). Neural footprints of a strengthened memory: the role of reconsolidation. Scientific Reports. 9(1):784. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-37089-2.
Leon CS, Lo Celso AL, Brusco LI & Forcato C (2024) Efecto de la cafeína en la consolidación de la memoria de reconocimiento facial: Resultados preliminares. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Juan Pablo Touron, Rodrigo Ramele & Cecilia Forcato (2024) Desarrollo de un dispositivo no invasivo para el monitoreo de la frecuencia respiratoria durante el sueño. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Gorosito ML, Pretel MR, Herrero NL & Forcato C (2024) Contenido onírico y procesamiento de memorias declarativas durante el sueño. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Herrero NL, Corfdir Y, Vazquez-Chenlo AA, Capurro L, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C (2024) Estudio de estados alterados de consciencia durante el sueño: Análisis de correlatos electrofisiológicos de una Experiencia Fuera del Cuerpo. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Corfdir Y, Herrero NL, Vazquez-Chenlo AA, Capurro L, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C (2024) Análisis de correlatos electrofisiológicos del Falso Despertar. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
González MC, Tassone LM, Moyano MD, Brusco LI & Forcato C (2024) Efectos del Lorartán y GABAérgicos sobre funciones cognitivas en adultos mayores: Un estudio preliminar. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Tassone LM, Capurro L, Moyano MD, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C (2024) Impacto de la Estimulación Acústica en la actividad oscilatoria cerebral durante el sueño en adultos mayores. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Capurro L, Tassone LM, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C (2024) Cambios en la dinámica oscilatoria cerebral en adultos mayores como consecuencia del envejecimiento natural. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Pretel MR, Ramele R & Forcato C (2024) Complejidad de las señales de electroencefalografía en los procesos de consolidación de la memoria durante el sueño. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Carbonari G, Forcato C & Ramele R (2024) Detección de Ondas Lentas durante el Sueño 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Caffaro P, Forcato C, Gallo F & Sanabria L (2024) Impacto de la distancia temporal entre la sesión de rehabilitación al sueño nocturno en la recuperación física en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. 26° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Ciencias Cognitivas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27-28 Agosto 2024.
Vidal V, Pretel MR, Capurro L, Tassone LM, Moyano MD, Malacari RG, Brusco LI, Ballarini FM & Forcato C. (2023) A short nap enhances memory acquisition in a high school setting. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Lo Celso AL, Asís GP, Pereyra A, Brau J, Herrero NL, Brusco LI, Ramele R, Trakas M & Forcato C (2023) ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF DREAM EXPERIENCE IN NON-REM SLEEP FOLLOWING DREAM INCUBATION: PRELIMINARY RESULTS. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Herrero NL, Touron JP, Coldeira MF, Veloso Sinanian F, Nasra NL, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C. (2023). NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL CORRELATES STUDY OF A SLEEP PARALYSIS EPISODE. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Asís GP, Rosen M, Ramele R, Brusco LI, Trakas M & Forcato C (2023). EEG CORRELATES OF ARTISTIC CREATIVITY IN POST-INCUBATION HYPNAGOGIA: A LINK BETWEEN NEUROSCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Moyano MD, Lombardi M, Risso J, Vazquez Chenlo AA, González C, Brusco LI & Forcato C (2023). ROLE OF SLEEP IN DECLARATIVE MEMORY FORMATION: HOW TO ENHANCE THE PERSISTENCE? PRELIMINARY RESULTS. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Bonilla M, Urreta Benitez FA, León CS, Scheinsohn C, Jimenez ZA, Scrofani C, Adba J, García-Bauza C & Forcato C. (2023) Role of a previous nap on facial recognitions. Preliminary results. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Urreta Benitez FA, Bonilla M, León CS, García-Bauza C & Forcato C (2023) Misinformation and Consolidation Processes in the Performance of Eyewitnesses. Preliminary Results. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Leon CS, Lo Celso AL, Olivar N, Toledo J, Urreta Benítez FA, Bonilla M, Brusco LI & Forcato C (2023) GABAergic modulation in the formation of declarative and recognition memories Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Samman ME, Fazzito L, Fiorentini L, Forcato C, Camprodon-Gimenez J, Costanzo EY, Guinjoan SM, Villarreal MF (2023). Structural connectivity as a predictor of therapeutic response in resistant depression treated with ECT: Preliminary results. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
López M, Forcato C, Justel N & Diaz Abrahan V. Reactivation of emotional memories. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias 2023. San Luis, Octubre 2023.
Lombardi M, Risso J, Brusco LI, Forcato C, & Moyano MD. (2023) Rol del sueño en la consolidación de la memoria declarativa: ¿Cómo mejorar la persistencia? Resultados preliminares. 25° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencia Cognitiva. Buenos Aires, Agosto 2023.
Pretel M, Vidal V, Kienigiel D, Forcato C & Ramele R (2023) Dispositivo de polisomnografía portátil de 3 electrodos de hardware abierto y bajo costo . 25° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencia Cognitiva. Buenos Aires, Agosto 2023.
Herrero NL, Touron PJ, Coldeira MF, Veloso Sinanian F, Nasra N, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C. (2023) 25° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencia Cognitiva. Buenos Aires, Agosto 2023. Estudio de correlatos neurofisiológicos de un episodio de parálisis de sueño. 25° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencia Cognitiva. Buenos Aires, Agosto 2023.
Vidal V, Pretel MR, Capurro L, Tassone LM, Moyano MD, Malacari RG, Brusco LI, Ballarini FM & Forcato C. (2023) Una siesta corta mejora la adquisición de la memoria en el entorno áulico de enseñanza media. 25° Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencia Cognitiva. Buenos Aires, Agosto 2023.
Trakas, M., Rosen, M. & Forcato, C. (2023) Dream emotions and their impact in our emotional waking life. A project on dream incubation in depressive patients. 30th European Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference, Praga, Czech Academy of Sciences, 28-31/08.
Vidal V, Barbuzza A, Tassone L, Brusco I, Ballarini F & Forcato C. (2022). Odor cueing during sleep improves consolidation of a history lesson in a school setting. FALAN 2022, Belem, Brasil.
Carbone J, Bibián C, Born J, Diekelmann S & Forcato C. (2022). Targeted memory reactivations is more effective during slow wave sleep than sleep stage 2. Psicologie und Gehirn 2022, Freiburg, Alemania.
Flores-Kanter PE, Bonilla M, Vidal V, Brusco LI & Forcato C. (2022) Impacto de la cuarentena sobre la memoria episódica en diferentes rangos etarios: Diferencias estructurales en la evocación entre adultos jóvenes y mayores mediante análisis de grafos. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Herrero NL, Vázquez Chenlo AA, Pretel M, Brusco LI, Gleiser P & Forcato C. (2022). EEG analysis of False Awakening and Lucid Dreaming marked by eye signaling in a lab setting: preliminary results. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Bonilla M, Vidal V, Leon CS, Urreta Benitez FA, Brusco LI, Flores-Kanter PE, Vázquez Chenlo AA, García Bauza C, Forcato C. (2022). Lockdown consequences on different age ranges on episodic memory. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gallo FT, Spiousas I, Tommasel A, Herrero NL, Brusco LI, Godoy D, Forcato C & Gleiser PM. (2022). Structural differences between non-lucid, lucid dreams and out-of-body experience reports assessed by graph analysis. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gallo F, Herrero NL, Tommasel A, Brusco LI, Gleiser PM, Godoy D & Forcato C. (2022). Dream content during lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences, differences and similarities. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Leon CS, Bonilla M, Urreta Benitez FA, Toledo J, Olivar N, Brusco LI & Forcato C. (2022) GABAergic modulation in the formation of declarative and recognition memories: Preliminary results. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Urreta Benítez FA, Leon CS, Bonilla M, Forcato C. (2022). A case of false recognition in the Argentine Justice. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tassone LM, Moyano MD, Vidal C, Pretel M, Brusco LI & Forcato C. (2022). Impact of a short nap on declarative memory encoding in older adults: Preliminary results. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lax GS, Vische A, Brusco LI, Gleiser PM, Forcato C, Gallo FT. (2022). Guided visualization in people with aphantasia and hyperphantasia. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Vidal V, Pretel MR, Capurro L, Tassone LM, Moyano MD, Malacari R, Brusco LI, Ballarini FM & Forcato C. (2022). A short nap improves memory encoding of a biology lesson in a school setting. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gallo FT, Herrero NL, Tommasel A, Forcato C, Godoy D, Gleiser PM (2022). Caracterización de sueños lúcidos y experiencias fuera del cuerpo utilizando redes complejas. Congreso Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada. La Plata, Argentina, Mayo 2022.
Urreta Benítez Facundo A , León Candela S, Bonilla Matías, Flores Kanter Pablo E & Cecilia Forcato. (2021). Pandemia y reconocimiento: ¿Cómo impactan las condiciones del aislamiento en la memoria de testigos oculares? Simposio COVID19 y Cerebro.
Leon Candela S, Bonilla Matías, Urreta Benitez Facundo A, Brusco I, Wang Jingyi & Forcato Cecilia. (2021) Formación de memorias episódicas aversivas durante la pandemia por Covid-19. Simposio COVID19 y Cerebro.
Pretel Matías, Herrero Nerea, Fernández Sande Joaquín, Brusco Luis I, Ramele Rodrigo, Kaczer Laura & Forcato Cecilia. (2021). The role of dream content in memory processing during sleep: preliminary results. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Moyano Malen D, Tassone Leonela M, Brusco Luis I, Wang Jingyi & Forcato Cecilia (2021) The role of sleep in episodic memory reconsolidation: Project and Preliminary Results. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Vidal Vanessa, Barbuzza Alejo R, Brusco Luis I, Ballarini Fabricio M & Forcato Cecilia (2021) Improving offline consolidation by odor cuing memory reactivations in a school setting: Preliminary results. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
León Candela Sofía, Bonilla Matías, Urreta Benítez Facundo, Brusco Luis Ignacio, Wang Jingyi & Forcato Cecilia (2021) Impairment of aversive episodic memories during Covid-19 pandemic: The impact of emotional context on memory processes. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Vazquez Chenlo Aylin, Carbonari Giulia, Carosi Julia, Forcato Cecilia & Ramele Rodrigo (2021) K-Complex localization and classification algorithm. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Vazquez Chenlo Aylin, Carosi Julia, Ramele Rodrigo & Forcato Cecilia (2021) The role of 20min naps on declarative memory persistence. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Urreta Benítez Facundo A, León Candela S,, Bonilla Matías, Flores Kanter P Ezequiel & Forcato Cecilia (2021). Performance in Lineups during the Covid-19 pandemic. Influence of lock-down side effects. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Vische Alejandro, Herrero Nerea, Forcato Cecilia & Gallo Francisco. (2021). Visuospatial perception in subjects with out-body-experiences. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
León Candela S, Bonilla Matías, Forcato Cecilia & Urreta Benítez Facundo (2021). Synaptic homeostasis and fake news. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Bonilla Matias, Vidal Vanessa, León Candela S, Urreta Facundo A & Forcato Cecilia (21021) The impact of time, age and frequency of use on recognizing personal items of our closest ones: forensic implications. Preliminary results. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Martin Alejandra, Bonilla Matías, Tassone Leonela, Gallo Francisco & Forcato Cecilia. (2021) The impact of sleep hygiene on emotional variables and memory processes in prision inmates. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Gallo Francisco, Herrero Nerea, Tommasel Antonela, Gleiser Pablo, Godoy Daniela & Forcato Cecilia. (2021). Dream content during lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences, differences and similarities. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Gallo Francisco, Tommasel Antonela, Herrero Nerea, Forcato Cecilia, Godoy Daniela & Gleiser Pablo (2021). Structural differences between non-lucid, lucid dreams and out-of-body experience reports assessed by graph analysis. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Herrero Nerea, Gallo Francisco & Forcato Cecilia. (2021). Can we be “out” of our body? Characterization and clinical implications of out of body experiences during sleep paralysis: preliminary results. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Moyano Malen D, Carbonari Giulia, Bonilla Matías, Pedreira María E, Brusco Luis I, Kaczer Laura & Forcato Cecilia. (2021). Non-linear suceptibility to interferences in declarative memory formation. ,XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentinean Society of Neuroscience (SAN2021).
Carbonari G, Ramele R, Forcato C y Pretel M. Clasificación de ondas lentas en sueño. VIII Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial. Organizado en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2021.
Carbonari G, Carosi J, Vázquez Chenlo A, Forcato C, Ramele R & Larrabide I. Slow Wave detection algorithm in non-REM sleep. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
Vázquez Chenlo A, Carosi J, Carbonari G, Forcato C & Ramele R. K-Complex detection algorithm in non-REM sleep. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
León CS, Bonilla M, Urretra FA & Forcato C. Emotional episodic memory formation during Covid-19 quarantine: Preliminary results. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020
Tassone L, Martínez P, Moyano M, Solferino C, Feldberg C, Tartaglini F, Brusco I & Forcato C. Sleep hygiene impacts on episodic memories in young and older adults during quarantine by Covid-19: preliminary results. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
Bonilla M, Urretra FA, León CS, Lippmann-Mazzaglia N, Calvo C, Garrido M & Forcato C. False memory formation during Covid-19 quarantine: age, sleep quality and emotional variables. Preliminary results. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
Moris E, Forcato C & Larrabide I. Wavelets for sleep scoring: A machine learning approach. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
Herrero N, Gallo F, Gleiser PM & Forcato C. (2020) Out of body experience during sleep paralysis: an altered state of consciousness. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
Moyano MD, Bonilla M, Blanco MF, Brusco I, Pedreira ME, Kaczer L & Forcato C. Declarative memory consolidation dynamics: new time windows and its implications for clinical application. XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
Carbone J, Forcato C, Born J & Diekelmann S. Cued memory reactivation is more effective in SWS than S2. FENS 2020.
Laurino J, Forcato C, Pedreira ME & Kaczer L. Word learning and semantic integration: memory reactivation as a key mechanism for building the mental lexicon.XXXV Anual Virtual Meeting SAN 2020.
Leon C, Herrero N, Moyano MD, Samman ME, Kochen S, Giagante B, Oddo S, Solís P, Kaczer L & Forcato C. The role of Sleep in Word Learning in a case report of Refractory Epilepsy. Congreso SAN 2019, Córdoba, Octubre 2019.
Bonilla M, Martínez P, Moyano MD, Kaczer L, Brusco IL & Forcato C. Consolidation of Human Declarative Memory: an all-or-nothing process? Preliminary results. Congreso SAN 2019, Córdoba, Octubre 2019.
Urreta F, Tassone L, Rochon D, Moyano MD, Solis P, Medel N, Kochen S, Brusco IL & Forcato C. Declarative memory enhancement in older and young adults. SAN 2019, Córdoba, Octubre 2019.